Are you tired of those "Perfect body, Terrible service" escorts? Egomaniacs with gym bodies who like to grab all your money and leave as soon as possible? Are you tired of those clockwatchers who think they are the center of the world?
Then you are in the right place.
We are a Brazilian born m/f couple, really married for almost 20 years, living in Lisbon and touring Europe, on our 40's, with a body much better than other people on our age range. We care about our bodies but we do not hit the gyms regularly. We're not fat but we're not fit. We carry a little beer belly or an extra pound here or there, because we decided to enjoy life. Enjoy a good dinner and ask for the most delicious dessert after. Life is short and we are at full throttle. We love good S*x, eating an exotic food, travelling to a foreign land, meeting people from all corners of the world thus we think we've got the best job there is! If you are looking for a nice conversation and a steam hot un-rushed S*x encounter we firmly believe we can take the challenge and leave you begging for more afterwards. Time to try the other side of escorting where YOU are the most important part of the equation. Keep an eye on our tour dates cos your city could be next! Call us now! You wont regret it!