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lady Escort in Bruxelles


It is truly a pleasure to have your attention! Allow me to introduce myself. Those who know me best would describe me as an open, spontaneous individual that is not exactly your typical Girl Next Door Type.
I’m an elegant, sweet, and optimistic lady who lives an adventurous life. My long hair and beautiful curves, complimented by my radiant smile and exceptional social skills, make me the perfect date for any occasion. In addition to my ability to adapt to any situation, I also have a bit of a naughty side that can make things quite interesting.
I am always excited to discover and try new things, be it behind closed doors or out in the open. When we’ve gotten to know each other a bit better over drinks and dinner, I would love to show you my more mischievous side.
I guarantee I will provide you with all the joys of the perfect girlfriend without the hassle of a traditional relationship. I offer you love, laughter, passion, and fun, all in one package, complete with hot model-like lingerie looks that will have you immediately enchanted.
With a stunning petite yet busty figure, and a pretty face coupled with an outgoing personality, I promise you an experience you will not soon forget.
Enjoy the ultimatum experience, where you get the softness, deep connection, great atmosphere, erotic pleasure, and seductiveness you would expect to have with your beloved girlfriend.
I hold myself to very high standards and expect you to do the same. You can always count on me to do everything in my power to offer you the best exclusive experience.
I adore meeting new people and creating meaningful relationships, and I would love to hear from you! Let us get to know one another over a nice glass of champagne. I can’t wait to make your acquaintance.

Détails personnels

lady Escort
30 années
165 cm / 5'5"
Couleur de cheveux
blond foncé
Couleur des yeux
Langues secondes
Anglais (notions de base)

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Événement escorte, Couple escorte, Soirée escorte, Accompagnement de voyage, Vacances escorte, Hôtel visite, Visite de la maison et de l'hôtel, Dîner escorte

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme, un couple
Europewide, mondial, Déplace (visites de l'hôtel)

Plus de services

Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 200 EUR"1h")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "1h":
350 euro
Tarif "2h":
500 euro
Tarif "4h":
750 euro
Tarif duo "1h":
200 euro
Tarif duo "2h":
350 euro
Tarif duo "3h":
500 euro
Tarif duo "5h":
700 euro
Tarif dîner "3h":
350 euro
Tarif dîner "5h":
500 euro
Frais de déplacement:
Frais de déplacement jusqu'à 50 km sont inclus dans le tarif. Frais de déplacement de 50 km sont négociés individuellement.
Plus d'offres:
Special offers makes speciale rates

Plus de taux


langues de contact
Néerlandais, Anglais
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