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Eva Parker

lady Escort in Jacksonville FL


I'm a lover of sensuality, intelligence, and video games. When I'm not working, I am a quiet mother of two fur babies studying the French language and Norse mythology. Whether one or all of these things make you curious about who I am will probably mean good things to come for both of us. There are places and parts unknown in the world - and on some people - that I have this natural curiosity to discover and roam through, and I'd love to help you do the same. I like to help people feel good about themselves, which is why I have found myself here in the first place. Maybe what I have to offer is just what you need to get by what's on your mind.

I'm a lover of body modification of all types, be it piercings, tattoos... plastic surgery - it may seem taboo to some at this day and age, but why do we go against that which boosts self-confidence and creates individuality? We've all got something that we think increases our character, and if it's a permanent change to our original figures then so be it; because what is more important is your personality and intelligence! I'll be proud to show you that there will be more than what meets the eye.

Détails personnels

lady Escort
29 années
167 cm / 5'6"
Taille des vêtements
Taille de soutien-gorge
Couleur de cheveux
Longueur des cheveux
Couleur des yeux
Type de peau
Zone privée
partie rasée
Orientation sexuelle
Origine ethnique
Sud africain
Animaux, Livres, Chats, Concerts, Cultures étrangères, Sortir pour un bon repas, Modèle, Musique, Voyage, Bien-être
thèmes Talk
Art, Culture, Santé, l'Internet, Philosophie de vie, Science, Technologie, Tourisme
astrologie chinoise
Dior - Hypnotic Poison: Magic Dream, Dior - Poison: Living
Chrysanthèmes, Anémones de pavot, roses blanches
Cocktails, Cocktails de fruits, vin blanc, Vin pétillant, Eau, Thé, Whisky
brésilien, Chinois, italien, Japonais, thaïlandais

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Événement escorte, Manager escorte, Soirée escorte, Accompagnement de voyage, Vacances escorte, Fête escorte, Hôtel visite, Visite de la maison et de l'hôtel, Dîner escorte

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme, une femme, Personne avec handicap
dans tout l'État, dans tout le pays, mondial, Incall (Visite personnelle), Déplace (visites de l'hôtel)
Lingerie, Corset, High Heels
Girlfriend experience, Shower- & bath games, erotic massages, Cuddling, Kissing, Safersex, Softcore, Stroking, Striptease, BJ - Blow job, Licking, very long foreplay, Masturbation, Body kisses, Oil massages, Photos/Films soft
Préférences bizarres
Spanking, Submissive
Les tabous
4+ ans

Plus de services

Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 200 USD"Chaque heure supplémentaire")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "0,5h":
300 Dollars américain
Tarif "1h":
500 Dollars américain
Tarif "2h":
700 Dollars américain
Tarif "3h":
900 Dollars américain
Tarif "4h":
1100 Dollars américain
Tarif "5h":
1300 Dollars américain
Tarif "6h":
1500 Dollars américain
Tarif "10h":
2600 Dollars américain
Tarif "24h":
5000 Dollars américain
Tarif "chaque heure supplémentaire":
200 Dollars américain
Frais de déplacement:
Frais de déplacement jusqu'à 20 miles sont inclus dans le tarif. Frais de déplacement de 20 miles sont négociés individuellement.

Plus de taux


Contact et heures d'ouverture
The times that I am available begin at 12 PM at noon and no later than 11PM (unless I am at my other job. I'll let you know beforehand if I'm free for a night time service). Same-day appointments for evening services (7 PM or later) aren't available.

Please give me time to reach back to you if you make contact because my phone may be silenced/on vibrate due to schedule. I'm a low volume provider, and as such would like at least 12 hours between when you reach out to me and when you'd like me to entertain you.

If you're not willing to go through screening, then kindly find someone else to entertain you. I cannot stress this enough.

In order to make back and forth chit chat to a minimum and save that for when we meet in person, you can reach me via email or text. Simply leave your name, occupation, what date/time that you'd be interested in meeting up and for how long of a service that you'd like to book. Contact via text is preferred, but l check emails periodically.

Be prepared for my (hopefully painless) screening before anything is guaranteed as I will ask you for your name, your current occupation, age, and any references you have with previous providers. If you want to save time, you can send them to me before I even ask. The more information you can provide on yourself, the better I'll understand that you're serious about having a safe and sensual time. Everything is kept private and is only used to confirm the safety and legitimacy of the client.

I do not respond to explicit talk, unsolicited photographs, or hagglers. Treat everyone the way you'd like to be treated, and this will be a very enjoyable experience for both of us. I will reach back to you at my earliest convenience. Thank you for your patience and your consideration to spend time with me!

Until stated otherwise, I'm currently Outcalls Only.
langues de contact
Ne pas payer à l'avance par Transcash, billets PCS, Neosurf ou tout autre moyen de paiement anonyme. Les offres de méthodes de paiement anonymes sont principalement des arnaques! Veuillez nous signaler ces profils.

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