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Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard


lady Escort in Dubai

(Emirats Arabes Unis)

Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard of, or read about. So let me break it down. I am an affectionate, warm and cuddly woman who is highly sensitive, very sensible. Other than the finest things in life and I have everything it takes to make you happy and feel like you are in paradise. I'm sweet, romantic, real and skillful. Your satisfaction is my priority and a pleasurable moment is always guaranteed with me. WhatsApp or call

Détails personnels

lady Escort
21 années
145 cm / 4'9"
Couleur de cheveux
Couleur des yeux

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Événement escorte, Couple escorte, Manager escorte, Soirée escorte, Vacances escorte, Hôtel visite, Visite de la maison et de l'hôtel

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme, un couple
mondial, Incall (Visite personnelle), Déplace (visites de l'hôtel)

Plus de services

Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 187 EUR"1,5h")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "1,5h":
187 euro
Tarif "4h":
233 euro
Tarif "24h":
932 euro
Tarif "48h":
1863 euro
Tarif duo "1h":
187 euro
Tarif duo "4h":
233 euro
Tarif duo "24h":
932 euro
Tarif duo "48h":
1863 euro

Plus de taux


Contact et heures d'ouverture
Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard of, or read about. So let me break it down. I am an affectionate, warm and cuddly woman who is highly sensitive, very sensible. Other than the finest things in life and I have everything it takes to make you happy and feel like you are in paradise. I'm sweet, romantic, real and skillful. Your satisfaction is my priority and a pleasurable moment is always guaranteed with me. WhatsApp or call
langues de contact
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