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lady Escort in Malaga


Agence: outcallservice

My name is Shantal, a sexy Arabe girl from Malaga. I'm 24 years old, 167 cm tall with black hairs.

Détails personnels

Agence escorte
lady Escort
24 années
167 cm / 5'6"
Couleur de cheveux
Langues secondes
Anglais (notions de base)

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Événement escorte, Congrès escorte, Manager escorte, Fête escorte, Visite de la maison et de l'hôtel, Dîner escorte

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme
dans tout l'État

Plus de services

Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 99 EUR"1h")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "1h":
99 euro
Plus d'offres:
Low cost 120 € hotel and home Vip escort from 180€ , the taxi is included within the ratio of 4 km. the city center if you exceed that distance there will be a small fee (usually between 10 and 15 euros) .We select the best companions, the vast majority who choose this method for privacy and comfort combine.

Section Low cost, girls outcall, escorts which exits performed hotel and home from 99 euros 1 hour service plus taxi cab in area ,in the Pemium Vip section there are at a rate from 160 that varies according to the degree of understanding and affinity of the escort with the customer, the abilities and tastes of them appear as abbreviation in its galleries and are described in our new sex GLOSSARY , everything will depend on the chemistry arising between you two (always say that with education, simpathy and hygiene is achieved much...)

Plus de taux


langues de contact
Espagnol, Anglais
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