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lady Escort in Izmir


Agence: Izmir Escort

She is ready to bring you to life again, to reborn with her charms and emanating sparkles of her enthusiasm that is sensible from the first seconds of dating with her. The peculiarity of this girl is that she has a lot of life running in her veins. She is not only seducing but also adores trying various poses and sexual games with you. She masters her lips and lustful mouth as the top-notch slut who is willing to do things with you that you only sometimes imagine as possible ones. We understand that this Izmir escort girl is not up to the taste of absolutely every man, as her outrageous S*x can frighten those who used to tenderness and other pink snots. But if you are the real man, you can try yourself in the real intimate adventure and to be a sledgehammer for a while – have S*x as if tomorrow never comes, as if you do it the last time in your life, as your life depends on how passionate you are in this efficacious process; rip your clothes off, smash the furniture, destroy the limits, break down the boundaries in the ardor of your bloodcurdling passion and cum on this girl, Vera, as if the entire number of whopping hurricanes, monstrous waters, and dreadful volcanoes on Earth have been included with all their horrendous might into this moment

Détails personnels

Agence escorte
lady Escort
24 années
170 cm / 5'7"
Couleur de cheveux
Langues secondes
Anglais (notions de base), turc (notions de base)

Plus de détails


Prestations de service
Hôtel visite

Pour les définitions, voir escorte wiki

Rencontre avec
un homme
Incall (Visite personnelle), Déplace (visites de l'hôtel)

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Les taux

Devises acceptées

(depuis: 250 EUR"1h")
Les taux
Devises acceptées:
Tarif "1h":
250 euro
Tarif "2h":
350 euro
Tarif "3h":
450 euro
Tarif "4h":
550 euro
Tarif "Overnight":
800 euro

Plus de taux


langues de contact
russe, Anglais, turc
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