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Escort lady in Frankfurt


Achtung gerne wurde ich Dich zu GEschäftsreisen oder in Urlaub begleiten.!
Du suchst nach einem niveauvollen, gepflegten, zärtlichen, hingebungsvollen und sehr erotischen Date? Dann sollten wir uns vielleicht treffen? Ich freue mich auf besondere Stunden voller Auf- und Erregung, Spannung, Zärtlichkeit , Kribbeln, Lust, Erotik, verschmelzen...mhmmm
Treffen, es soll für uns beide etwas besonderes sein..
Wenn dich mein Profil anspricht, dan freue ich mich auf Deinen Anruf
Attention, I would be happy to accompany you on business trips or on vacation.!
Are you looking for a sophisticated, well-groomed, tender, dedicated and very erotic date? Then maybe we should meet? I'm looking forward to special hours full of excitement, excitement, tenderness, tingling, lust, eroticism, merging ... mhmmm
Meet, it should be something special for both of us ..
If my profile appeals to you, then I look forward to your call

Personal details

Independent escort
Escort lady
27 years
168 cm / 5'6"
Hair color
Eye color
Second languages
German (advanced), Greek (advanced)

More details


Event escort, Couple escort, Bizarre escort, Fair escort, Congress escort, Manager escort, Evening escort, Travel escort, Holiday escort, Party escort, Alibi escort, Hotel visit, House & hotel visit, Swinger club visit, Dinner escort

For definitions see escort wiki

Dating with
a man, a woman, a couple, 2 men, 2 women, a group
statewide, countrywide, europewide, worldwide, Outcall (Hotel visits)

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Accepted currencies

(from: 180 EUR"1h")
Accepted currencies:
Rate "1h":
180 Euro
Rate "2h":
340 Euro
Rate duo "2h":
360 Euro
Rate dinner "2h":
200 Euro
Travel expense:
Travel expenses till 20 km are included in the rate. Travel expenses from 20 km are negotiated individually.

More rates


Contact languages
English, German, Greek
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