An intelligent diligent young lady full of enthusiasm and optimism and able to charm. She enjoys life to the fullest. Gabrielle has a philosophical and idealistic view of the world. The career and job success is important for her. She constantly broadens her horizons and develops her intellectual potential. Lady has an excellent intellect. Her emotions are strong and vivid. She is very receptive and intelligent. She is ambitious and endowed with strong physical energy that gives her resolve and leads to the achievement of goals. She decides on the basis of reason and has a practical approach. Gabrielle is able to assess carefully the situation with distance. When communicating, she acts sympathetically, is willing and is able to fully understand and empathize with partners, friends and colleagues. Her communication, organizational and leadership skills are very good. She likes sharing interests and work projects. She is very creative and likes literature, music and business. She is a harmoniously based personality, cordial and enjoys the popularity among her friends. Friendship is important to her. Gabrielle is loyal.