I'm a lover of sensuality, intelligence, and video games. When I'm not working, I am a quiet mother of two fur babies studying the French language and Norse mythology. Whether one or all of these things make you curious about who I am will probably mean good things to come for both of us. There are places and parts unknown in the world - and on some people - that I have this natural curiosity to discover and roam through, and I'd love to help you do the same. I like to help people feel good about themselves, which is why I have found myself here in the first place. Maybe what I have to offer is just what you need to get by what's on your mind.
I'm a lover of body modification of all types, be it piercings, tattoos... plastic surgery - it may seem taboo to some at this day and age, but why do we go against that which boosts self-confidence and creates individuality? We've all got something that we think increases our character, and if it's a permanent change to our original figures then so be it; because what is more important is your personality and intelligence! I'll be proud to show you that there will be more than what meets the eye.