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Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard


pani towarzyskie in Dubai

(Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie)

Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard of, or read about. So let me break it down. I am an affectionate, warm and cuddly woman who is highly sensitive, very sensible. Other than the finest things in life and I have everything it takes to make you happy and feel like you are in paradise. I'm sweet, romantic, real and skillful. Your satisfaction is my priority and a pleasurable moment is always guaranteed with me. WhatsApp or call

Dane osobowe

Niezależny escort
pani towarzyskie
21 lat
145cm / 4'9"
Kolor włosów
Kolor oczu
język angielski

Więcej szczegółów


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Akceptowane waluty

(z: 187 EUR"1,5h")
Akceptowane waluty:
Oceń „1,5h”:
187 Euro
Oceń „4h”:
233 Euro
Oceń „24h”:
932 Euro
Oceń „48h”:
1863 Euro
Oceń duet „1h”:
187 Euro
Oceń duet „4h”:
233 Euro
Oceń duet „24h”:
932 Euro
Oceń duet „48h”:
1863 Euro

Więcej stopy


Kontakt i otwarcia razy
Hi am kelly I Love to be ALL OVER IT !So what are you waiting on Stop Staring at MY and Pick up Your And Lets Meet

Am special gifted and unique woman. I am not like anyone you might have met, heard of, or read about. So let me break it down. I am an affectionate, warm and cuddly woman who is highly sensitive, very sensible. Other than the finest things in life and I have everything it takes to make you happy and feel like you are in paradise. I'm sweet, romantic, real and skillful. Your satisfaction is my priority and a pleasurable moment is always guaranteed with me. WhatsApp or call
języki do kontaktu
język angielski
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