Local Malay Female


Эскорт леди in Куала-Лумпур


Агентство: Easy Escort Agency

Are you in need of a classy, elegant and bubbly social escort to accompany you to any event of your choice? Fret no more. Our agency has the best of Malay social escorts have to offer. Our escorts are painstakingly selected, trained and equipped to give you memories worth re-living.

Our Malay Social escorts are excellent time keepers. They always make the effort of arriving slightly earlier than scheduled to ease the process of handling issues that might arise. Timing as you shall establish will be the last of your worries with our escorts. Our escorts also have experience in modeling and social management. This ensures that they easily understand your needs and can adjust with ease when required. They are also capable of giving you seamless support on any issue since they are capable of handling your needs from numerous dimensions.

They speak fluent English and their demeanor is capable of making your friends and business associates envious and more attentive to your agendas. Above all, our escorts are among the most beautiful Asian girls on the planet. Their beauty is literally. We have the best variety . They also have high grooming and hygiene standards. As such, our girls are not only presentable but are also highly flamboyant, glamorous and capable of stealing the show for you in any gathering.

Our Malay social escorts are also capable of relieving you off stress with unforgettable intimate adventures tailored in heaven. In our watch, deprivation of bodily desires will be nothing but a blur from the past. However, only the most professional and specially trained are delivered for bodily desires purposes.

Our services are discreet and no information submitted to us is accessible for third parties. Rest assured therefore of zero risk and maximum pleasure in the process.

Contact us today for the best girls, services and memories!

Личная информация

Агентство эскорт
Эскорт леди
25 лет
152 см / 4 футов 12 дюймов
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сопровождающая события, эскорт-менеджер, посещение отеля, Свингер клуб визит

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по всей стране, Инколл (Личный визит), Исходящее (посещения отеля)

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доллар США

(от: 400 доллар США"1h")
Принимаемые валюты:
доллар США
Оценка «1ч»:
400 Доллар США

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